January 1, 2019

The touchstone among verses

Çré Kåñëa continued:  “This process is the supreme intelligence of the intelligent and the cleverness of the most clever, for by following it one can in this very life make use of the temporary and unreal to achieve Me, the eternal reality.” 

Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravärté Öhäkura elaborates:

He who can receive a thousand coins by giving one coin is said to be most intelligent and skillful in this world. One who obtains diamonds or a gold coin in exchange for a small coin is called intelligent and skillful.  A person who can take a gold coin from a sober, intelligent person is called intelligent and skillful. But one cannot say who is intelligent enough to obtain a cintämaëi or a kämadhenu. The inhabitants of Bharata-bhümé who are mortal and born in low families offer to me their bodies not worthy a penny, which are deformed and afflicted with old age and disease.  But they attain me, the ocean of sweetness. Accepting their offerings, I, who am supposed to be the cleverest, out of joy give myself, with my priceless ornaments, bracelets and crown, to the devotees.  Such inhabitants of Bhärta-bhümi are the most intelligent and most skillful!  Giving one’s body to the Lord means to engage the ear and other organs in hearing, chanting, remembering and service.  If the tongue is engaged in chanting, if the ears are engaged in hearing, if the hands are engaged in service, then one is giving one’s body to the Lord. But the Lord is attained even by offering only one part of the body!  What intelligent person would not do this? 

This verse is the touchstone among verses, the essence of all the Lord’s teachings.  He who has this verse shining in his heart shines in the assembly of devotees.