November 17, 2018

Do we have to follow varnasrama?

by Pandava bandhava das

Çré Kåñëa continued:  “As long as one is not satiated by fruitive activity and has not awakened his taste for devotional service by çravaëaà kértanaà viñëoù, one has to act according to the regulative principles of the Vedic injunctions.” (Srimad Bhagavatam 11.20.9)

Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravärté Öhäkura comments:

It is said:

“The çruti and småti literatures are to be understood as My injunctions, and one who violates such codes is to be understood as violating My will and thus opposing Me. Although such a person may claim to be My devotee, he is not actually a Vaiñëava.”

Devotees may think that, since they are devotees following purely, it is not necessary to follow injunctions and prohibitions in çruti and småti, such as vows like Ekädaçé and forbidden acts like putting coconut water in a bell metal vessel, or putting yogurt or milk in a copper vessel, or eating the Lord’s offerings before offering to the Lord.  However, understanding that the çruti and småti are the Lord’s order, they should follow those instructions.

That is the answers to the question “is it necessary for the devotees to follow varnasrama? If they are liberated, at the level of bhava and above, they are not required to follow, though most of them would still follow the rules for the sake of giving a good example to the common people and neophyte devotees. Those who are not liberated should follow the standard rules of varnasrama given by our founder-acharya, His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Svami Srila Prabhupada.

One of the most common arguments against varnasrama is that “we are not these bodies, so we don’t have to follow the rules connected with the bodies”.

Though it is true that we are not this body, it is also true that for most of us this is still a theoretical concept. When we make our choices in life we are still (in most cases) acting according to our material conditioning. For example, often the persons making the claim “we are not this body, therefore I should be allowed to do any type of service, especially those that award social prestige” are devotees currently situated in the grihasta asram. If they have realized that they are not their material conditioning they should have no problem doing any type of seva; they should not have preferences based on political agenda or social prestige. That means that they should not insist on giving the lecture at the Sunday feast or performing the arati, or dressing the deities for festivals. They should be as eager to go on traveling sankirtan, to clean the toilets, or to take out the garbage. Otherwise their claim “we are not this body” is simply hypocrisy.

Such claim could be taken seriously when it comes from a renunciant engaged in preaching, chanting and hearing Bhagavatam. If everything you do is direct devotional service then there is some provision for not following some of the secondary rules of varnasrama. But if you are a family person engaged in material activities most of the time and still playing the game “we are not this body”, this is not serious.