December 18, 2018

Krsna is devoted to His devotees

Çré Kåñëa continued:  “With the dust of My devotees' lotus feet I desire to purify the material worlds, which are situated within Me. Thus, I always follow the footsteps of My pure devotees, who are free from all personal desire, rapt in thought of My pastimes, peaceful, without any feelings of enmity, and of equal disposition everywhere.” (16)

Çréla Viçvanätha Cakravärté Öhäkura elaborates:

Moreover, just as the devotee follows Me, I, being invisible to the devotee, follow the devotee.  Çukadeva has described Me as bhagavän bhakta-bhaktimän: the Lord who is devoted to His devotee. (SB 10.86.59)  The devotee contemplates My form, qualities pastimes and associates.

Çrédhara Svämé explains the word puyeya as follows. The Lord thinks “Let Me purify the universe which exists within Me.”  Jéva Gosvämé says puyeya means “Let Me become purified of the fault of not being able to repay the devotion of My followers.” Actually bhakti cannot exist without taking the dust from the feet of the devotees, and without bhakti, one cannot experience the sweetness of My rasa. I have established this rule. Therefore, I also should become absorbed in the full sweetness of My rasa like a devotee by bhakti.